IMPORTANT: I appreciate that you’ve taken the time to visit Pinay Traveller and read this post. But all the facts/information I know or am aware of regarding this topic are already here. Please READ and UNDERSTAND what I’ve written. I will NOT answer questions whose answers can already be found on this page. You can also go through the comments thread to see if your questions have already been asked and/or answered. Please take note that this was posted two years ago so things may be different now. It’s always best to consult a reputable travel agent or the UAE consulate itself. Thank you! 🙂
I just came from a very hectic work-related travel to Israel and Jordan. It was quite grueling as it required my team and I to work for at least 10 hours a day for more than a week. I will tell you about it over the next few days. But for now, I will talk about how I stayed behind in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) to spend time with my sister who lives in Sharjah.
First, the Visa.
Applying for a Dubai visa seemed easy enough. Since I was entering the UAE through Dubai, I had to get a (Dubai) Visa. Ony nationals from the following countries are given visas on arrival: citizens of Gulf Cooperation Council: Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar and Saudi Arabia, British citizens, and those from Andorra, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Monaco, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, San Marino, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the Vatican, Australia, Brunei, Hong Kong, Japan, Malaysia, New Zealand, Singapore, South Korea, as well as those from the United States of America and Canada. All the rest need a visa prior to their arrival, including citizens of the Philippines.
Visa Types.
There are two types of visas: the VISIT VISA and the TRANSIT VISA. Visit visa is valid for two months, with option to renew for another month. But since I was just going to be in Dubai and Sherjah for 4 days and 3 nights, I only needed a transit visa which expires in 96-hours.
Initially, the travel agency asked me to submit the following:
- Completed visa application form
- Scanned copy of passport
- One passport-sized photo (at the back write the full name and affix with signature)
- Visa Fee
- Copy of hotel confirmation (voucher) during stay. If staying with relatives or friends in UAE , information where you will be staying for the whole duration of your visit in UAE indicating his/her complete name, address, contact numbers, his/her name of employer, office address and office phone numbers
Pretty simple, right? Naaah… After a couple of weeks, I was asked to submit the following additional requirements:
- Original Bank Certificate with history of transactions for past 6 months
- Scanned copy of Marriage Certificate
- Copy of International credit cards
- Original Certificate of Employment stating current position, salary, years of service and duration of approval leave
- Copy of ITR (Income Tax Return)
Apparently, this is now required for ALL nationals entering the UAE (those who need a visa prior to entering UAE, that is).
Processing the visa here costs US$77, cheaper than if it is processed in the UAE. Don’t ask me why. 🙂 Visa processing is up to 10 working days. Good thing I got mine just a few days before my trip.
Coming to Dubai from Israel.
Now for the sad part: Israelis and travellers whose Passports bear Israeli stamps will be denied a visa. So if you have plans to enter Dubai from Israel, make sure to tell the immigration officer in Israel NOT TO stamp your passport. Don’t worry, he/she will give you a piece of paper on which he will put the stamp that will bear your points of entry and exit.

When asked at the passport control in Dubai where you came from (last point of exit), don’t mention Israel. This will make things easier for you. Also, put everything that you’ve purchased in Israel (especially crosses, rosaries and other religious items from the Holy Land) inside your checked-in baggage. DO NOT hand-carry these items to avoid trouble at the customs. I kid you not. The mother of an office mate was almost asked to go back to Israel after religious souvenirs she bought from Israel were found in her carry-on bag. She was eventually allowed to pass through, but not after going through hours of interrogation.
Good to note.
Hotels and airlines can also process your visa for you. Just ask the guest relations officer.
NEXT: The Heritage City of Sharjah
woah! thanks for the tip pol! grabe pala!
I would like to ask if its ok to visit dubai without any invitation from there? My boyfriend and I wanted to be there and we had seperate country? As a matter of fact I do have my ticket, (back and fort) hotel reservation, bank certificate and a visa from the agency with the stamp. I am thinking to back out any moment from now since I only had visa but dont have any sponsor. What should I do? My boyfriend is from saudi arabia is it ok if he is the one I should who invite me to be in dubai and anyone originally from uae. Please I need an answer. My flight will be two days from now.
Dear All,
Just walk to our office, submit your passport copy along with the payment, Come back in 3-4 days to collect your Visa. Our Office in Ermita, Dubai and India.
Hey Virns! Yup, so travellers should really arm themselves with the right information.:)
Hi im goin to have tour on dubai for only 5days but my problem is my friend who lived there he is the whos goin to fixed my visa in dubai, how the process of it? I already sent to him the scaned copy of my passport and visa pic. He told me that hes goin to send my visa through email., but the problem is the immigration here in philippines so strict
Hi Anne, I’m not so familiar with the immigration rules here in the Philippines with regards to acquiring UAE visas. Best to contact the UAE consulate to know more. Good luck!
hello my friend told me that the immigration in the airport here in the asking for show money it true?thanks..
Hi Sarah. I’m not so sure about this one. Please ask someone from the DFA. Safe travels!
hi, i had the same scenario wherein my Dubai visa was only sent through email. When I got to the airport here in the philippines they were looking for the original one. good thing it was a business trip so I was allowed to pass but if it was personal I doubt if they would allow me to board. On Dubai, they dont have an issue if it is a visa sent thru email… no questions asked.
Hi. We are invited by our clients to attend a forum in Dubai this coming March 8. Our visa is only sent through email. Can we pass the Philippine Immigration without being Lay off? Thank you.
hello anne.. be careful to the immigration here in the phil, even you have visa from Dubai the immigration will offload u.. they will ask you another requirements that impossible to produce..
my cousin and i is have visa.. we have the same visa but suddenly i am offloaded by the immigration officer. and my cousin is pass the immigration and travel to dubai!
U can try backdoor process.. entering dubai from another country like singapore or malaysia or hongkong. The reason our country is strict is due to filipinos trying to find jobs directly in the middle east instead of going thru agencies. And if for whatever reason those filipinos who are caught and fail to find jobs after their visa expires.. the philippines is held liable for transporting those people back therefore expenses shouldered by the government.
i have a tourist visa and a ticket from saudi( final exit) to dubai,,,, is the imigration looking for ticket going back to philippines,,, am originally from philippines
Hi Roner, I don’t really know. Best to talk to the embassy. Good luck!
Hi Roner, were you able to come to Dubai from Ksa without any problem?
Hi again pauline cause i cant find my post last night so im posting again,
My boyfriend (filipino) and her sisters have a working visa in dubai, they want me to get a tourist visa and its my first tym to travel, idont have any stamps my problem is, the filipino immigration isreally strict i dont have any job certificate since i just resigned, so they want me to go to singapore for atleast 4days or until they are done with processing my papers then go to dubai, do you think this is more effective, easy, and possible? I dont like to be interrogate so much i just want to be with my boyfriend for a month please help.. 🙂 do you have any suggestion? Or advice for me? Your tips are very helpful..thank you
Hi there! If you already have a UAE visa, I don’t see any reason why immigration won’t let you out of the country. You only need to present your employment certificate to the consulate to the Dubai consulate. And as long as your boyfriend is sponsoring your trip, I don’t see any problem. 🙂 Good luck!
Hi . Just wanna share my situation. I and my boyfriend want to visit Dubai and we will sponsoring by our friend working in Dubai. But we go first to singapore before going to Dubai. And I work in Singapore Last 3mos for only 7mos but now I dont have any job same as my boyfriend. Is it possible if the Immigration in Dubai will allow us entering there sponsoring only by our friend.? Thankyou
Hi k! Good am! I have the same situation with you. What hapened in your trip please advce! Thanks-nadine
good day..i already visit dubai last month. sponsor with my sister in law, i just want to ask if i wanted to go back in dubai next month do i need to use again the papers from consulates or i need to request a new one? visa and ticket are very easy to prepare im just wondering if the letter from consulates of dubai is needed also?though i already have it since that document dont have expiration. please help me to find out the things i needed again to visit dubai again. thank you
Is it true that you a filipino visit visa holder must exit ONLY to the point of origin (philippines) in order to change visit visa to working visa?
btw, great tip!
may i rephase…
is it true that a filipino visit visa holder…
Hi Chinita! I haven’t really reasearched about that since I just went there for a visit. Let me ask around and will get back to you.:) Thanks for the visit!
hi there! I got the visa from the hotel but its only a scanned copy of my visa. Do you think the immigration here will have problems with just the copy?
Or do they need the original one, coz the hotel said i can pick it up when i arrive.
Hi , may i know how much money in the bank needed for a tourist visa in dubai ? Around ?? working at saudi arabia as a you think i still need to apply visa prior going to dubai? Can’t i apply upon arriving there?..
From ksa to dubai my ticket.
Hi Sitti! Yes, you still need to apply for a visa prior to going to Dubai. Please visit this website for details.:)
Thanks for dropping by and good luck!
I have a friend. She phillipines. and she married UK citizen guy. In Sept, they are travelling to Glasgow using Emirates from Kuala Lumpur and stop over at Dubai for 3days (15Sep-17Sep). As I have browse eveything, they said she can get the visa on arrival for 96hrs which she stay for 3days in Dubai. But im still curious, wondering, that she will have prob during the arrival in Dubai airport. Does she need to apply the form and bring all those thing that you say to Dubai? Can you help?
Hi Ina! As far as I know, getting a visa depends on her citizenship. If she is a Filipino citizen, then she has to apply for her visa BEFORE she goes to Dubai, even if she’s only staying for 96 hours. Emirates can process her visa for her. Just tell her to go to the Emirates website. Good luck!
Please visit this site for more information:
i just want to ask about the immigration question. what they usually ask if ever i go to dubai and have tourist visa? i just want to have a idea. thanks.
Hi Jaydee,
When I went there, I was just asked what I’m going to do and where I will be staying. My sister is a permanent resident so I had no problems going through. The immigration officers don’t smile. But don’t let this intimidate you. They are used to Filipinos visiting so I’m sure you’ll do okay.:) Good luck!
What If I don’t have a job here and I want to go to Dubai? Is there any other way?
Hmmm… that question is a bit tricky, Roch. I think you should ask a qualified travel agent because I really have no idea.:( Sorry!
hello po..ask ko lang po gusto ko po kasing mag work jan sa dubai graduating na po ako college 5 years
anu pong agency kilangan ko?
hello..just want to ask if i present a cert of employment to io is valid since i resignd..but on may cert of employment dated march 2011 up to it ok to say if io ask me if i have work here..
Hi Mariel,
If your flight is in the morning, Immigration officers will call your employer. That’s what happened to me. They called my employer and found out that I am already resigned. The IO, note that info on the form I filled up
Hi pinaytraveller
I am planning to go to Dubai to find work, applying for tourist visa and to get a sponsor? Does it fit my plan?
Hi Almarie,
I’m afraid I’m not an authority when it comes to that. Travelling for employment is totally different from leisure travelling.:) Wishing you the best of luck, though.
Hi Mariel,
My advice is, if you really don’t have any work, is you tell them. That will be a ground for offloading. Or go get an evening flight. so that they will not call your employer.
That’s what happened to me, i presented an ID and called my employer and found out that i am already resigned.The IO note on the form i filled up that i committed misrepresentation. Luckily, the officer was a bit kind and forgave me for the offense after i explained why did i do that . She offloaded me for the reason that i don’t have a hotel accommodation and proof of income to show and not on the misrepresentation i made.
Hi! Thank you so much for answering Mariel’s question!
Happy travels!
what is the minimum allowed balance for the bank certificate for you to be approved; are they very strict on the past six-months transactions?
Hi Amor,
You’d want to put your best foot forward, so to speak. I think the important thing is for your account to reflect your capacity to support yourself for the duration of your stay there.
Good luck!
Thanks for sharing
You’re most welcome!
ill just ask if even you are a filipino and u are from italy,visa is stil on arrival or just for the foreign nationality? what requirements do i need if i came from europe?
Hi Julie,
If you hold a Philippine passport, it doesn’t matter where you will come from. You will have to go through the steps stated above.:)
Hi Julie,
If you hold a Philippine passport, it doesn’t matter where you will come from. You will have to go through the steps stated above.:)
hi i have a girlfrend working in dubai can i visit her?how can i process may visa her in the philipiines?
Hi Anthony,
Just follow the directions above.
I am Maria Luisa Olaya.
I just want to ask if,how long is the duration of tourist visa and how long is the processing?
Hi Maria,
It depends on how long you want to stay. Please see above. 🙂 Processing usually takes 10 working days. Good luck!
Planned for dubai bt had a hard time finding a travek agency to process visa. May I know where u had yours done? I bookd hotel through agoda and am not sure if hotel is willing to do the visa service….thanks in advnce!
Hi Anna!
I had my VISA processed through a travel agency (Executive Resources).:)
Happy travels!
Hello Anna,
How’s your visit in Dubai ? I want to know if you got your visa through hotel sponsorship? Because I am planning to visit Dubai and I want hotel to be my sponsor for my visa. Does the Manila immigration would give me a hard time for that? I don’t have any relatives in Dubai. I only want to meet my fiancé in Dubai . My my fiancé is not working nor living in Dubai. We will just meet there and tour around Dubai in less than a week. And the hotel was telling me that I can only get my original visa upon arrival in Dubai. Is it ok if I only have a scanned copy of my visa? And not in original form? Or the immigration would really want to see my original visa at hand? Please help me if somebody knows about this matter.. I don’t have any intention to over stay or find a job once I get there in Dubai. Only for tourism. What are the other requirements do I need to comply?
I am planning to go to Dubai to find work, applying for tourist visa .
There is a promo tiket from cebu pacific right now but i cannot decide how long im going to stay , please advise me if im going to dubai on Oct 19 to Dec 15, 2013, when is thebest time to apply for dubai visa, what is the resonable purpose to approved my visa. Please need advise ty very much
Hi Malyn! Visa application usually takes about 10 working days. But if you’re really determined to go, it is best to apply at least a month before your trip. As for your purpose, you can just say ‘tourism’ or ‘holiday’. Good luck!
Hi! How much is the dubai visa fee? Thanks.
Hi Kae,
You can see it there, in the article.:)
hello i have a grandma there in dubai shes a resident in there what will i do to get a quick tourist visa and what will my grandma also do about sponsoring me what are those things needed to it cuz i dont know.thanks .im a filipino passport holder .thnks.
hello, i just wanna know if ill be there n make a connecting flight to london, can i go outside the airport if i have a long w8 with no tourist visa thanks, ceb pcific has flight there, ill be there january 14
Hi Philip. Yes I think so. But it’s best to check with your airline.:)
i just want to ask, im planning to visit dubai this year. Will i be having a problem in applying a visa if i have been to israel last year of october and stayed for 3 weeks?
If your visit was 6 months ago pa, I don’t think it’s going to pose a problem when you enter Dubai.:)
can my friends allowed to give me a visit visa? what are the requirements they need in our immgration for visit visa?
Hi Vivian, you will see all the answers to your question in the article.:) Thanks!
Hi, I dont have a credit card and mostly would be using real cash when I travel to Dubai, I plan to stay there for at least a week and go back to the Philippines is it necessary to provide this:
Original Bank Certificate with history of transactions for past 6 months
Copy of International credit cards
Or can I just provide this: Original Certificate of Employment stating current position, salary, years of service and duration of approval leave
Copy of ITR (Income Tax Return)?
If you are working as an expat in GCC countries (KSA, Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman) and if your profession as indicated in your resident card belongs to higher categories (doctors, nurses, engineers, accountants, managers, or works in a government institution), you are entitled to a visa on arrival. Just pay the visa fee of 185 Dirhams at the airport and you are entitled to stay for 30 days and renewable.
Thanks for the very useful information, Myk!
i’m going to dubai on oct 29 to nov 3, 2013… i dont still have my dubai visa .. i want to apply for dubai visa..hope u can help me.. i have a brother to visit there..he’s working there for almost 15 years, and friends to visit…
thanks and hope to here from you soon.. more power. .what’s ur contact number ?
Hi Nannet, to apply for a visa, just follow the simple steps above.
You can also visit this site for more info:
good luck!
Hi, PinayTraveller
Thanks for posting such information to guide people like who are aiming to visit Dubai.
May I ask, are these docs really required even if we are visiting there for tourism?
Original Bank Certificate with history of transactions for past 6 months
Scanned copy of Marriage Certificate
Copy of International credit cards
Original Certificate of Employment stating current position, salary, years of service and duration of approval leave
Copy of ITR (Income Tax Return)
And, can you confirm on this one: It says that you are given a visa upon arrival if you came from MY or SG, what if I book multiple tours, say I visit SG/MY first then for Dubai? does this mean I can be issued a tourist visa upon landing in Dubai coming from a tour in these countries?
Thanks 🙂
Hi Christian,
You’re welcome. I’m glad to be of help
Yes, you need all these documents, as stated in my article.:)
And no, visa upon arrival IS NOT GRANTED TO FILIPINOS, even if they came from MY or SG. All Filipinos have to present a visa upon their arrival.
Hope this helps!
Good luck!
hi im a pilipina converted tto muslim but documents still christian i had a fiancee from pakistan and his asking me to go to dubai to get to know his family was his family member or relatives can sponsor visa for me? wat reason u can suggest for me if i will ask about purpose to come there. i dont have work here i dont have credit cards all my expences my botfriend will provide can u help me. i just come back from cyprus and i just opened my own personal bank account.can u give me more helpful tips plz…… thanks alot
hi. i just want to know if possible to process a employment visa in dubai with out any requirments just a passport only? bcoz i have a friend who aply in agency here at the philippines and then the agencytold him that her visa is ready. but the agency never ask any documents like NBI or anything just a passport only.. i hopeyou could help me thanx
Hi. I don’t think it’s possible to apply for visa without any requirements. Unless you’re a VIP. Please do check with the UAE Consulate here in the Philippines. Thanks for visiting!
What travel agency helped you apply for visa? Maybe thay can help me also. Thanks.
You can try Catholic Travel, Inc. Here’s their website: Good luck!
hi pinaytraveller,
I had my tourist to employment experience from Dubai last July 2010-May 2012, but again I’m planning to visit the same. After further inquiries from my friends in Dubai, they have said that there will be a HEALTH INSURANCE required for me to enter as a tourist. They have said it’s part of the rule that wherever country you want to visit, you must have this health insurance. How true is it? And would you help me determine which insurance company to apply? I have my PhilHealth but not sure of if it’s enough since I’m currently unemployed. My second concern is that I do not have credit card, do you think a Savings Account will do? I believe it can accommodate my stay for 1 month there and I also have my cousins whom working for more than 10 yrs there. They will apply for my tourist visa (not a Visit Visa since we cannot provide kinship because we do not have similar Surname nor Middle names). Please do help me clear these things out.
Hi Ba llina,
Your friends are right, health insurance is really required. PhilHealth is not enough. You can try PhilamLife (that’s whay I usually get). Depending on the number of days you’ll be there, the price can range from 2K upwards. As for your credit card, yes, your savings account is ok. But having a credit card helps since these are meant to show that you can augment your finances in case of emergency (since you are unemployed). But But since you’ve worked in Dubai, I don’t think you’ll have a hard time getting a tourist visa. Good luck!
hello my friend told me that the immigration in the airport here in the asking for show money it true?
Hello I will have to ask my friend to process my tourist visa in Dubai via the agency there. I dont know how legits they work so May I ask if how many days do I have to wait once visa is processed? I just wanna make sure all is okey.. I am applying for a tourist visa would you happen to know if how much bank cert. do I need to show? Please advise… Thanks in advance
God bless
all the answers to your questions are in the article. cheers!
hello can I ask if how much will I pay to processing my vissit visa in dubai.
and where I find an agency to help me in processing my vissit visa?
Danika, you can read that in the article.
is it posible to visit uae if you dnt hve present job here in the philippines?only sponsorship of a relative?thnx
Hi Nev,
I know a few people who were able to go there even without a job here in the Philippines, just sponsored by their relatives.:)
Hi can’t we take the visa in Dubai airport?
By the way, I’m here in Riyadh Saudi Arabia.. Just if u have any idea if its possible to get the visa in the airport of Dubai.
Hi Alexandria,
Please scroll up. You’ll find the answer in one of the comments (I think). It’s always best to ask the embassies, though.
I would like to ask if it possible to renew my philippine passport in dubai even im in a tourist visa? How many months validity of passport required to renew the passport in dubai?
This is very helpful… I am now researching on how to apply visa to uae from doha.. Do you have idea? Just for 3-4 day vacation..
Any easy way?
Thank you so much
I would like to apply a transit visa for my parents from Manila to Dubai and from Dubai to Muscat is their final destination. What is the best way to apply?
can i travel/enter in dubai without the middle name on my passport? according to the law here in Philippines illegitimate children are not allowed to use mothers middle name so i dont have any middle name. thanks.
Yup, the important thing is that your name matches your passport and official IDs.:)
hi, im planning to visit dubai on january 2014. I don’t have any international credit card to start with and I am unemployed. I have businesses but I don’t have an ITR. The only docs I can provide is my bank statement. Will it be enough since I have big amounts of savings in my bank? thank you very much and more power!!!
Hi Radznie,
I honestly don’t know. If you have a Dubai or UAE resident who can invite you, I think that’s better. Best to ask the consulate.:)
I am a Filipino foreign worker here in Malaysia and i’ve just resigned on my prevoius job and my employer has accepted my resignation and going to cancel my work permit here. The reason of my resignation was that i got a job offer in Dubai and i have accepted it. My new employer in Dubai has already sent me my Offer Letter and through tele-conversations and emails everything is doing well. Right now i am just waiting for the Visa and flight ticket that they will send later because it is still on process.
I’m feeling so troubled on leaving Malaysia because my employer said i must go back to the Philippines first after my job here in Malaysia is finished or my Visa was cancelled. But i ask the Philippine Embassy in Malaysia and they said that there will be no problem on exiting Malaysia because your visa was already cancelled and they do not care anymore because your leaving their country, provided that you have a Visa on your next country of destination which is Dubai.
My question is…
Can i go directly to Dubai from Malaysia? Are they not going to block my exit eventhough i have a visa in Dubai? and also knowing that Philippines was my last departure before Malaysia.
Am i going to be repatriated back to my country of origin?
I am worried that maybe later the Malaysia Immigration won’t allow me to leave Malaysia and enter Dubai and instead will ask me to go back Philippines. Anxiety is now filling my head eventhough my planned flight is still 20 days ahead, because i don’t know what is going to happen if i am already on the airport and things will turn upside down. Please advice!
Hi Gerry,
My first reaction was that it is best to ask the Philippine Embassy in Malaysia. But seeing that you already got your answer from them, then I don’t think you should worry about your exit. Like you, I worked in Malaysia for a couple of years. So I think if you exit the country and you already have a visa going to your next point of entry (Dubai), there shoudn’t be a problem anymore. Again, I urge you to doublecheck with the embassy just to be sure.:)
Good luck!
Hi, we just book a flight going to Dubai. Can you please help me how to get visa?
What kind of help do you need? 🙂
Would it be better to apply for a visit visa if I’m using Dubai as a stopover going to a farther destination? I’m thinking if I’m going to get the transit visa, it might be expired by the time I go back to the Philippines through Dubai again.
hello pinay traveller! did you applied for the transit visa here in Manila? if yes, was it done personally or through a travel agency? thanks in advance! =)
Hi Warner. I applied for my visa via a travel agency as it was easier and more convenient.:)
Hi! Upon my arrival to Dubai, is it possible na ma-deny pa ung entrance ko kapag may hinanap silang hinde ko maprovide? I am planning to have my visa processed by someone, per wala naman hinihingi sken aside from the copy of my passport, picture and application forms. I am afraid that the documents you stated above were to be asked upon my arrival at the airport of Dubai. I need your advice, thanks!
Hi Bremz, as long as you’ve completed your requirements, then there shouldn’t be any problem. One of the things that you need to assure them is that you have a job that you will be going back to, kailangan kasi mapatunayan mo na babalik ka sa Pilipinas. Make sure din that the one helping you out with your visa is a reputable travel agency. Good luck!
hi..i will visit dubai this March2014 on a tourist visa. will i have trouble at naia immigration? i heard they might not allow filipinas to leave or get off load. should i go to diffirent country first like hong kong and from there go to dubai?will they ask for return ticket?
i have all the documents stated above except hotel booking confirmation as i will be staying with a friend
What if you are planning to work there. paano un? kailangan bang dito kumuha ng working visa or sa Dubai na?
Kailangan sa Pilipinas ka kumuha ng working visa.:)
Thanks po sa tips and guidelines.God bless u always
You’re welcome!
Hi Pauline.
Good day.Pupunta po ako ng Israel sa April as tourist only pero nagtatrabaho ako dito sa dxb.Just in case po na magtanong ang officer kong saan ako nanggaling ano po ang isasagot ko kasi di naman pweding banggitin ang Israel.Very thankful at nakita ko itong blog mo it’s a big help for me dahil nagkaron pa ako ng ideas.Thanks in advance and God bless.
Hi. You can probably say Jordan. Pero I’m not sure ha. I was there a few years ago. Things may be different now.:)
Ma’am,sir.good afternoon..pwede ba ako maka punta sa dubai kung friend kulang nag pa visit visa..anong requirement kunin ko dito sa pinas.pls.reply my mssge.
Hi! Pare-pareho lang ang requirements as stated in the post. Kung resident naman ang kaibigan mo, pwede na yun. Pero kung hindi, siguraduhin mo na lang na kumpleto ang requirements mo, lalo na ang mga proof of income mo dito sa Pilipinas (employment certificate, bank certificate, ITR etc). Good luck!
what if i have sister in dubai who is working as DH, do i still need all of the requirements needed here? thank you
Yes, you do.:)
hi. im planning to go in dubai last week of may my uncle applied for me i have my visa and supporting docs like c.o.e,itr,visitation letter and roundtrip ticket. but due to the fact that off loading is more often happend and its my first time. their planning to let me go to HK first with round trip ticket (wich i already been before 2006-07). the plan is me going to HK and the same date i have my connecting flight going to dubai which i also have a round trip ticket back to HK. Will it work?
Hi Iris,
I think as long as you have the right papers, you’d be okay. 🙂 Kaya lang sayang naman ang HK trip mo. Why not spend a couple of days in HK so it will even look more legitimate? 🙂
Good luck!
Hi! I just wanna ask if the requirements in getting a Tourist Visa to dubai in the Philippines same as here in USA? I’m a in a J1 visa here in the US and my visa is untill July 2, 2014 only and plan to go to Dubai before my visa expire. Should I go back to the Philippines and apply for a tourist visa or just apply here in the US? Want to stay in Dubai for 21 days then go back to the Philippines. What do you think?
Hi,hello ask ko lang kasi un boyfriend ko na arabo ang mag sponsor sakin everythings na kelangan ko..from invitation visa and the tickets…gano katagal ma process un and this is my first time na makaalis ng philippines…ang hiningi lang nya na docs ko is scan copy of passport and 1pic…hindi bako ma offload sa immigration?thanks and i hope u could reply to me…God Bless
Hi Amy. Kung resident naman yung boyfriend mo, I don’t see any problems. Pero tingin ko kailangan mo pa ring kumuha ng mga documents as stated in the article. I suggest you ask the consulate.:) Good luck!
I have my fiance in dubai. He wants me to go to his place. He is capable to sponsor my stay there but he don’t know what to do. What is the steps he needs to make?
Hi Yemmy,
You will have to make the first steps by applying for your visa here. If he’s inviting you, tell him to write a letter of invitation. Please see te list above. 🙂
I will be traveling to Dubai this Oct 2014 with my husband and daughter. I was already able to book a plane ticket and a a hotel. My problem is the visa application because i called up several travel agencies and they will not process our visa if we will not book a plane ticket or a hotel or a tour with them. Can i apply directly at the embassy? Hope you can answer my inquiry.
Thank you!
Hi Sherlin,
Yes, you can apply directly to the UAE Consulate. Just look them up. They’re online. You can also try getting a visa through your airline if you’re travelling via Emirates. Not sure about the other airlines, though. Ask your airline. 🙂
Hi, my boyfriend (filipino) and his sisters are in sharjah too and they have working visa people say that its hard to pass the immigration here in the philippines since they ask alot of questions and sometimes they really wont let you go especially when you dont have relatives in dubai so i decided to go to singapore for maybe 4days or as long as theyre still processing my papers in dubai do u think this is more effective? Or im just wasting my money (i dont care about the money as long as this is the easiest and fastest way)
This is my first tym so what should i expect when im in singapore are they gonna ask alot of questions too? Like im just gonna work in dubai and i wont be back anymore and im just using singapore? What are the things that i have to bring for my tourist visa in dubai from singapore.. Thank you so much, your tips are very helpful
Hello , Have a great day!
I am going to travel by August 7th via Emirates Airlines. My air ticket was booked and paid by my employer, from Jordan connecting flight to Dubai and manila is the final destination. But, My friends inviting me to visit the city (Dubai) for atleast 1 week before going back home (Philippines) . I’m holding a tourist visa for 30days.
is it possible to extend or to cancel my flight from dubai to philippines even though it was already paid?
and would you Please help me. where I am going to, to fix this problem.
do you think they will allow me to enter dubai, khit stop over lang ako.?
help me guys. I’m worrying about this.
thank u!
How does Filipina go from Dubai to USA? what is needed?
Hi, Pinay Traveller! I just wanted to ask if even though I don’t have a job here in the PH, is it possible to get a 30 days visit visa through sponsorship of my relatives who are residents in Dubai? I hope for your response. Thanks.
Christine, I think so. But an employment certificate or an ITR really helps, though.:)
hi! i have an Iranian friend in dubai owned a travel and tour company and he wants me to visit dubai and find job there and his company will be sponsoring and shoulder all expenses from visa-tickets-accommodation and he was just asking me a scanned passport and picture do i still need that all requirements you post? im still here in philippines having troubled mind cause i only have that savings bank account( which dont have that big savings),,i dont have work,,and is my civil status matters? i am not legally separated to my ex husband and the one who will sponsored me is not my relative just a friend? im affraid to get offload
Hi, my girlfriend was working in dubai and she want me to go there and apply for tourist visa.. What she want me to do is to go in hongkong then going to dubai? Is that possible? Or u have any suggestion what best thing to do? And my girlfriend sister will send an invite for me and stay with them if i get in dubai.. Is it possible for me to get a visa?
Hi Sheven, I don’t see any problem as long as you’ve completed all the requirements.:)
Good luck!
Hello, Pinay Traveler I want to ask what if I don’t have any credit card or bank transactions? I wanted to apply a visit visa by then I also want to search for a job in Dubai I’m a fresh graduate and wanting for a job opportunity. Thanks
For questions about job opportunities, you may want to call POEA. Thanks.:)
i would like to ask the requirements needed in going dubai? many thanks
PLease read the post. Thanks.
miss pinay,pupunta kse yung girlfriend ko sa dubai para magtrabaho,natatakot kase ako,pano po ba mkasunod dun kung sakaling matuloy sya don,ano ba yung dapat kong gawin para kakiha din ng trabaho,salamat po
Ay sorry Niro hindi ko alam kung paano ka makakakuha ng trabaho doon.
hi…i just want to ask if its really required to have a show money going to dubai…my sister will shoulder all my expenses there…
hi ms. Pinay Traveller,
i have my e-visa for dubai.. my flight details is like this: from philippines going to korea, then from korea going to dubai. my question is, hindi po ba ako mqquestion ng korean immigration bakit d ako eexit sa aking homecountry?
i hope to receive a response from you. TIA 😉
hi mam,
im planning to visit my cousin in malaysia, he is currently employed there, i also plan to wait for my dubai tourist visa in malaysia which my girlfriend will process and she will gonna be my sponsor for my dubai trip and if i received it already i will exit from malaysia going dubai, will i be encountering any problem regarding this plan mam? does my return ticket from dubai needs going back to the philippines or malaysia?
hi ticket at visit n po ako to dubai this coming dto po ako manggagaling sa hong iba pa ba akong dapat kailsngan na documents aside sa ticket at visit bahay po ng family fren ko ako tutuloy.tnx
Hi good morning.ask ko lng po kung ano yung mga requirements dito to apply visit visa for Dubai pinapainqquire po kase ako ng employer ko.
Hi,I what we need to go Dubai last october 16
I go but in the immigration stamp my ticket,i have
Sponsor boss my tita,with red ribbon,and affidavit of but not consider to and i have visa also…
Hello I’m Nanny here in riyadh and my working visa under dh, I’m going home to phil for 1 month vacation but my friend invite me to go Dubai for 1 week cause shes also going home to phil but I’m sure if I tell my employer they will not allowed me go Dubai but what if I’m already in airport instead going to Phil I’ll go Dubai she will send me visit visa and ticket from Dubai to Phil do you think its okay and no problem here in immigration Riyadh?
Hi there, I’m sorry I’m not really an expert in situations like yours. Best to consult an immigration expert. Thanks!
Hi!, I have the original copy of my employment visa and contract sent to me by my employer in Dubai. I would like to ask, to avoid the hassle of processing it through POEA or maybe through an employment agency, would I be able to go to either Hongkong, KL, SG or to any other Asian countries that does not require a visa as tourist first? Then from there, can I travel to Dubai by just presenting my passport and original UAE employment visa?
Hi Nanny based on experience, you will be able to do that but its you who needs to arrange your flight. Your ticket should be in 2 segments: Riyadh to DXB and DXB to MNL. When you arrive in DXB, since you have the UAE Visit Visa, you can go to immigration right away for entry to Dubai. After claiming your luggage, you can then go to the Airline counter at the airport to have the second segment(DXB to MNL) re-booked to whatever date you are gonna be travelling back to manila.
Hi,, what travel agency in d phil processes dubai visa?
Hi i would like to ask if I can apply visa without any invitation from a friend or relative there. I just want to tour dubai. Pls reply.thanks
hi mam can i ask help… i plan to tour at dubai instead using my vacation in the philippines… im working here at hk as domestic helper… some1 will process may visa in dubai and will just send me through email… is immigration here in hk will allow me to take my tour in dubai in my vacation time… they will not question me?thanks mam
Hi. I’m a Philippine passport holder and currently working here in Kuwait. My contract will be finish this coming December this year. I’m planning to visit Dubai from here. I’d like to know about the requirements, processing and payment regarding my application. Your reply is highly expected. Thank you.
Hi Pauline! I’ll be visiting my father in KSA. I already have a family visit visa. I’m planning of going to Dubai after that. Would you know if I’ll be allowed to get a transit visa for Dubai here in the Philippines even though I’ll be arriving in Dubai from KSA? Thanks!
Hi Ian. Isn’t KSA One of the emirates? In any case, yes, you can get a transit visa from here. 🙂
I believe Saudi is not part of the Emirates. But thanks for your quick response. I appreciate it! =) Oh, one more thing, do I need to have a certain amount in my bank account for my transit visa application to be approved? Thanks again.
I want to travel to Dubai using a tourist eVisa that was sent to me by my cousin who invited me to go there. I just printed it together with the ticket.
Since the immigration here is too strict, the travel agency in Dubai where my cousin bought my visa and ticket-advised me to travel from PH-HK first, have a ticket going back and fort plus a hotel reservation so I wont get questioned.
Then after arriving to Hongkong, I will be going to Dubai.
My question is, do I need my Dubai visa to be marked in my passport here in the Philippines before flying to Hongkong? May nagsabi po kasi dapat matatakan daw visa ko sa passport dito palang sa Pinas.
Additional question po.
Pagdating po ba sa Dubai tatanungin pa po ba nila ako kung saan ako magstay?
Kasi po ang nakalagay sa visa ko as Sponsor-is the travel agency itself. Pero sa pinsan ko po ako mag-stay, kaso lang i don’t have proof na magpinsan kami kasi iba na surnames namin.
Please help me, appreciate your help.
Thank you.
Hi Mae. I really want to help you but I’m not an expert on visas. But from what I know, you don’t have to have your Dubai visa marked here in the Philippines. Usually tinatatakan ang PASSPORT (and not visa) sa port of exit and entry. If you’re coming from HK, then doon yun dapat matatakan ng exit, and then entrance sa Dubai.
As for the question kung saan ka magsi-stay, yes, kailangan mo ng parang invitation letter from your cousin stating that he/she will be taking care of you while you’re there. She must also be a resident to do that. Again I’m not an expert so it’s best to ask your travel agency.
Good luck!
gusto ko lang po mgtanong..
domestic helper po ako dito sa Singapore..
sa January pa po matatapos ang contract ko pero nagdecide po ako wag n tapusin at mag tourist visa po puntang Dubai..mahigpit po ba ang immigration dito..ano po things needed .or tips para imaging successful ang pagpunta ko.thanks po
ate same tayo ng situation.. im also here in sg.. may balak pumunta ng dubai.. pero nkausap ako amo ko na ndi ako.payagan direct flight padubai.. ikaw ate?
Hello po! In my case nung pumunta ako ng Dubai via SG, hinanapan lang ako ng return ticket to phil (dxb-ph), yung sa airline lang nga nagtanong, pagdating sa IO wala nang madaming tanong sakin. Pero di ko lang alam sa case nyo na nakaContract sa SG.
Hello, dito ksi ako now sa SG at wait ko lng process visit visa ko going to dubai. Kailangan ba original visa pag hinanap ng IO ng sg or scanned visa e ok na? e sa dubai po? Ano p mga hahanapin or itatanong? Thanks in advance.
Hi, return ticket lang ba talaga yung hinahanap? And visa? And anu dn po ba tinanung sa inyo ng Singapore immigration? Or nagtanung dn ba sila kung san ka mag sstay sa dubai? Need ko lang ng idea, as of now nndto ako ngayon sa sg for tour lang. And this coming tuesday lilipad na ko pa-dubai.. Please give me some advices.. Thank you so much!
ate sem.dn tau.. nkpunta kna ba ng dubai???
hi..i want to ask if original visa is needed cause my employer only send scanned copy of my dubai visa thru email and my agency here in the philippines dont want to allow me for pdos if the original visa is not yet here..original visa is necessary to go out in the country?
im still here in philippines and i already have a visa from dubai so is there possibility to have chance to extend my visa before expiration? Because my visa is going to expired on October 23, 2015 and my contract is still on process.
Hi, i just wanna share what happened to me recently, and wanna ask some questions also, i was off loaded this past sept. 2015 On my trip to bangkok to meet my boyfriend, i they hold me cause a of my previous stamps on UAE and Sultanate of oman where my boyfriend used to work, my boyfriend sponsored my whole trip, i got through immigration to go to UAE as i have all paper works that is needed, while i was in UAE with him, we got engaged, went back home here in Philippines after my visa is done, he got deploy on Saudi Arabia for his work, we we’re sopposed to meet in Bangkok for holiday, but i got off loaded as they said i have to apply for fiancé visa, now we are planning to make holiday on bangkok again, do i i have to apply for fiancé visa before spending money on tickets and hotel booking to go to bangkok? Plz consder my questions,
Hi dear,I have some concerned because I was an ofw before in dubai and I was canceled my visa with my agency and after one month I went to Oman for exit and go back again to dubai,for now I’m here in the Philippines and I decided to go back again there but only 4 months now that I was here.
My problem is that my cousin processed my tourist visa going there and he decided to clear first the status of my previous visa which is low profile to make it a little bit higher but after a couple of weeks the immigration of dubai rejected it,so can u give me some advise if what to do to enter again to dubai coz I really want to go back there to work for I am a bread winner of the family.I hope u can help me with thank you.
Hello po. May Israel visa ako nakatatak at balak kung pumunta sa Dubai, ask ko lang po kung kailangan ko po bang mag palit ng passport sa Pilipinas at hindi po ba yun matrace ng immigration sa Dubai na nkapunta na ako ng Israel?Sana masagot nyo po ito.
Hi Ms. PinayTraveller,
I would like to ask for your opinion or suggestion regarding my case.
I have a fiance who is currently working in UAE (Al Ain) to be specific.
We’re planning to get married at the Philippine Embassy in UAE. During my research I’m able to collect most of the information I needed with regards to the documents for our marriage.
Based on the previous comments it seems that somehow it is possible for my girlfriend to sponsor my “Visit Visa”. However, due to some information I’ve come across while researching, it seems that unmarried couples are not allowed to live together due to the law/tradition of UAE. If you have experience or knowledge regarding this matter, it would very much be appreciated.
Bottom line, if the scenario mentioned above is true (unmarried couple under the same roof)
In my knowledge the only option would be a “Tourist Visa” The problem I feel about this is when it comes to the IMMIGRATION OFFICERS. I am just a freelancer who works at home, I don’t have the proper documents that they might need such as (COE, LOA and ITR)
The very purpose of the trip is so that we can get married and legally stay in the same house whenever I visit. Specially since we already have a son, whom I plan to bring with me during my next visit after we get married. I can’t help but worry when it comes to IMMIGRATION OFFICERS. I think telling them the purpose of my trip right away would be a very valid reason for my trip.
I’m a first time traveler so I’m just trying to collect all the useful information I can specially with your help and the others who might have an idea with such case.
Additional questions:
Under what category does my trip’s purpose belong to? (pleasure, business, etc)
As of lately, can you suggest any Travel Agent/Agency that could possibly help me out with my Tourist Visa?
Thanks and looking forward to your response!
All the best,
Patrick G.
Hi Patrick! Suggestion lang po, pwede rin na dito sa Pinas kayo magpakasal during her vacation. Then sa pagbalik nya ng Dubai, process nya Visa mo, if maganda company at position nya pwed kang wife’s visa. Ganyan kasi ginawa ng friend ko dun, kasal naman kasi talaga sila sa Pinas, pinapunta nya lang wife nya dun. ?
Hi Ms. PinayTraveller!
I would like to ask for your opinion or suggestion. Kasi im planning to go to Dubai, but this is not my first time kasi i have a previous employment there, 1 year lang yun kasi i went home and got married. My case is I dont work na (jobless na) kasi full time housewife and mom na ako. Im bothered na it will cause problem kasi wala akong work. Eto pa, my 2nd passport was issued in dxb, worried din ako baka maraming tanong ba’t doon na-issue. Kung sa travel tourism/leisure this is not my first time to travel international, may HK, Macau, SG and Indonesia naman (tatak sa 1st passport), yun lang talaga yung prob ko baka pagdudahan akong magApply for work. Regarding sa visa, sponsorship naman ng brother ko. Thanks and looking forward to your response. ? -Martina
Hello po! I’m a student here in Canada and i’m planning to visit dubai po when my visa expires. I have a brother working there and sya po mag aayos ng visa ko through a travel agency. The thing is, di ko po alam kung kelangan original yung visa or if pwede na send na lang sa email then print ko na lang. Ano po ba hinahanap sa immigration sa Dubai? Thanks po.
hi, im a filipina domestic helper in qatar.. i want to ask if i can go directly to dubai.. whereas i will not finish my contract here in qatar. i want to go to dubai via visit visa from my fiance before i go back to the philippines. is that possible?? please reply asap.thanx!
Hello po gusto ko sanang pagwork sa dubai first time ko lang po ngaun, kilangan ko po ng agency san po ako pwedeng pumunta na agency? may alam po ba kayo? thanks
Hi how much is the required income? For you to have dubai visa?
I would like to ask for your opinion or suggestion.
My friend from Philippines, travel to dubai and stay there for 20 days.
From dubai she travel to Iran (krish) and currently she is in Iran and want to travel back to dubai again. She need the visa of UAE, whom to approach, can you suggest some travel agency name who can help her in processing UAE VISA.
JON she can try the airline she’s taking or the hotel where she’s going to stay.
can i work abroad without my middle name in my passport
Hello ma’am I would like to ask the document from here in Philippines to going Dubai for 30 days tourist visa and also I want to know if we don’t have any problem from immigration?
Can you travel to Dubai without passport
Hi! Can you help me to find a Hotel in Oman who sponsors Visa for Filipino People?
I badly needed a help
Hello! how much po yung fee if yung sponsor po yung mag aayos ng visa tapos po wala pong gagamitin na agency?
hi.. im currently working in malaysia and im planning to go to dubai as visit visa holder is it possible to go directly to dubai after resigning from my previews work here does the immigration will hold me or questioned me even if i have my ticket and visit visa.. i mean immigration here in malaysia..,pls.. help coz my auntie is already processing my papers going to dubai for a visit visa..plss help thankss… john
Hi i just wanna ask i will go to singapore as a tourist for 3 days and 2 night..
On the second day in singapore i want to go in dubai,Can i go to dubai as a tourist again??and do i need a return ticket from dubai to philippines?
Do i need a sufficient fund?
Hi…dto poh ako ngayon ngwork sa hongkong as a gusto KO snang pumunta ng Dubai to meet my frnd for only 1week..
Hindi KO LNG alam kung pwedi bang mag.apply ng visa from hongkong to Dubai…plzzzz help me
Pls amend this post as now there is no extention on visa in uae.
hi im currently working here in hong kong and after my contract thus coming November Im planning to go Abudhabi under tourist visa with the help of my friend there.. is it easier for me to go dubai from here or from phil? My friend is willing to help me process my visa there. thanknu in advance
Hi, my boyfriend and I are planning to visit Dubai within this year. I am currently unemployed but my boyfriend will sponsor me and he will travel with me. I have history of traveling in some parts of Asia. He’s an Aussie by the way from Sydney. What requirements do I need to provide and what accredited travel agency should I use? Do we need to take connecting flight and stop over is Singapore or Malaysia then go to Dubai or just a direct flight to Manila to Dubai? I’m just worrying about the immigration officer in NAIA. Thank you so much
Hi, can you tell me the travel agency who helped you in processing visa?
Hello! 🙂 I just wanna ask about the steps and requirements in applying tourist visa to UAE? I have a friend (filipino) na gustong mgtour dito sa Dubai, pwede naman po diba sa mga travelling agency siya mag pasponsor. Hindi ko kasi alam lahat ng proseso kasi ako direct lang akong kinuha ng husband ko dito sa UAE. Thanks!
Hi! San ka po nagapply ng transit visa?
Hi good morning i would to ask if I need to cross country for tourist visa to use because I’m Filipino nationality but I’m going together with my fiance for a week vacation his from United States
Hi i have a question hope you can help me out on this.
1. i want to travel with my mom in Israel because that is her dream but she’s coming from phils, and im working here in dubai and she wanted to have a tourist guide on our trip so it would not be hard for us where to go. my question is do you have any agency you can recommend?
2. do we need to have a visa, or we can go there directly and will buy from there?
3. are we going to go first in jordan before will go to israel, from where we can buy a ticket or how we can reach there if we are from jordan?
sorry i have so many questions, i really dont know how to start.
hope you can help me out.
Hi Joy. I’m sorry but you will have to ask the embassy for anything that involves visas or passports. Thanks!
My Dear I need information about visit visa for Filipino i am stay here in Dubai job visa wen finish my contract i cant get directly visit visa here in Dubai and In Out in oman or here near any country.?
Please ask the embassy for anything that involves visas or passports. Thanks!
Hi!! So my husband and I are traveling in November for a vacation and Dubai is one of our stop. We are only planning to visit for 4 days and 3 nights until we return back to our residence of California, USA. I am still a Philippines citizen with a Filipino passport and living in the US. Will it be okay to get a transit visa? Will I get approved? Where should I apply for my visa since my husband will not need one since he is a US citizen.
Hi Roxanne. Please ask the embassy for anything that involves visas or passports. Thanks!
Hi. May i know the name of your travel agency here in the Philippines for dubai visa processing? Ty very much
Hi. I’m travelling to Dubai with my family on May 2019. May I know what travel agency you used in securing a visa. Thank you for your help.
Hi ask ko Lang po if need pa po ba Ng visa Kung mag connecting flight Lang nman? Philippines > Dubai > Poland . Thanks
No need if you’re not leaving the airport. 🙂
hi what is what travel agency is this? thank you! im flying via cebu pacific from the philippines