The Keen Madrid Mary Janes. All I need now is Madrid.
Category: Pinaytraveller
A Weaver’s Tale (or ‘What I Actually Do in Real Life’)
When I’m not travelling, I actually do some serious stuff.:) Here’s the trailer of “A Weaver’s Tale”, Sheron Dayoc’s documentary about the Yakan tribe weavers and the dangers they face amidst the war in Mindanao. Sheron was one of the filmmakers who won the ASIAN PITCH 2008 sponsored by MediaCorp Singapore and NHK Japan. I…
paalam, jacko!
travel a la pinay
travel |ˈtravəl| verb ( -eled , -eling ; also chiefly Brit. -elled, -elling) 1 [ intrans. ] make a journey, typically of some length or abroad : we have been traveling from Batangas to Calapan for nearly two hours