If you have no plans of gallivanting out of town this weekend, why not visit two of the most amazing fairs in Manila? Ladies and gents, it’s time for MIBF and Negros Trade Fair! Wohoo! The Manila International Book Fair (MIBF) is something I look forward to each year. It’s a bibliophile’s…
Spain Timelapse
Spain Timelapses Series Showreel from senses – LucianoRodriguez on Vimeo.
Footnote: Flowers of Artajona
Despite the scorching heat in Artajona, Spain, there are flowers at least.
Weekend at The Lily in Lian, Batangas
A couple of weekends ago, my family and I were very lucky to have been invited by my dear friend Ian to his beach house in Lian, Batangas. It was a welcome break from weeks of non-stop work. I couldn’t wait to spend a couple of days at the beach without television or the Internet!…