Hello! How have you been?
I haven’t blogged in a very, very, VERY long time! So I’m hoping to start the ball rolling again.
What a wonderful time to start travelling again! After two and a half years of being home-bound, everyone I know just can’t wait to book flights, seal the best room deals, and go off on new adventures.
I for one have listed down my Top 5 destinations:
1. Japan
2. Spain
3. UK
4. Turkey
5. Russia
Why put Japan and Spain on the list? Well, I just miss those two countries so much! So I need to go back! As for numbers 3-5, I haven’t been to these 3 countries yet so I’m hoping to make that happen soon.
There’s a term now for this desire to go out again into the world– revenge travel. It was coined when the world started opening up again last year. We’ve spent too much time away from our family and friends. Many have lost loved ones. And collectively, we experienced losing our freedom to move around. It was a particularly difficult couple of years for those of us who travelled regularly. Now that we’ve regained some semblance of normality, there is no time to waste. There are too many things that we have not discovered out there. Life is short.
Where is your next destination? Wherever it is, keep safe!