Hello. Yes, I am still here. Still navigating the real world after it opened up. Taking my time to get my footing again.
I am little by little trying to write again.
The conversations with myself on whether or not I should continue this blog has been going on for 3 years. I have neither the answer nor do I have the energy to do anything yet.
The funny thing is, I have done a good deal of travel the past couple of years, yet I remain quiet.

I think coming up with what to post about is the thing that exhausts me the most. Thinking of the SEOs, the links I need to embed, the accompanying photos or video (!)…these are all roadblocks that I always have a hard time overcoming.
I remember when blogging was much, much simpler.
I launched this blog in 2008. My first entry was pure gibberish. NAKAKALOKA. Hahaha.
But back then, no one was reading. And all I had to please was myself.
It does feel like that now. I mean, is there even anyone out there reading this?
Am I writing for myself again?