Re-posting this because 1) it’s a great article 2) i just love the way it was written 3) i have nothing else to post 😉 and 4) did i mention how well-written it is? So enjoy and please read the full article on GQ.
The Biggest Little Man in the World by Andrew Corsello
He is in the car. I am in the car. Physically we are, both of us, in the car. Still, I wonder.
It’s now January. In December, I spent a week traversing the Philippine archipelago in a vain attempt to speak with this man. Though it is difficult to arrive at an exact number, it is safe to say that during that week, slightly less than half the national population of 90 million people assured me with a wink that they would get me “in the car” with Manny Pacquiao. But there had been no car. No Manny Pacquiao. (Pronounced like a comic-book sound effect: pack-ee-ow!) I did spend the afternoon of the man’s thirty-first birthday in his living room, playing a series of increasingly aggressive Christmas carols on his Yamaha grand piano in a last-ditch effort to flush him from his bedroom. (It was five in the afternoon. He had risen for the day an hour earlier.) But there was no Manny. At 6 p.m., in a single brisk movement, he descended from the balcony—eerily reminiscent of the one on which Al Pacino dies after screaming, “Say hello to my lee-tle frien’!” in Scarface—and out to a waiting caravan. He brushed my shoulder without looking at me as he passed. Or did he? Later, I could not shake my suspicion that the shoulder brush, the whole trip, was a dream. A vivid dream, of a place where every soul and every thing was lit from within by the still, small voice of Manny Pacquiao—Manny… Emmanuel…Hebrew for “God is with us”— but where Manny Pacquiao himself was nowhere to be seen. Read more.