Here are 5 7 essential tools to pack on the road… tried, tested and adored by me. They’re cheap but invaluable, and should be in everyone’s travel bags regardless of age, sex or destination.
1. Clothespins
Clothespins are very versatile tools. Aside from using them to hang your wet things, you can also use them to keep curtains together (especially if you want to stay in bed longer), re-seal opened packages and secure reminder notes to your bags/luggage.
2. Ziploc or ordinary sandwich bags
Resealable bags have become an indispensable travel item of late. And it’s easy to see why. I use them to keep my toiletries, food, receipts and travel mementos. Alternatively, I use the blue sandwich bags (which are dirt cheap) to pack snacks, waterproof some of my toiletries and put trash in.
3. Sharpie and scissors
For labeling your stuff or drawing tattoos when bored. The pair of scissors needs no explanation.
4. Masking tape

Whoever invented the masking tape should be given a nobel prize for ‘making life easier.’ It’s perfect not just for securing things together but also for removing lint, picking up small items from a carpeted floor, holding small earrings together and labeling your stuff.
5. Small notebook and pen
Even if you’re not a writer, a notebook and a pen will always prove useful when travelling. They will come in handy when you need to jot down information about your itinerary, accomodations and personal information and of course, to use as a travel journal.

Before I end this post, I’d like to show you a very creative way to organize your travel essentials by using a ziploc bag and a sharpie (via Babalisme).
Aren’t these just adorable? Visit Babalisme to see more cool ideas.
You might also want to read The Art of Packing.
I already bring 3 of these 5 essential things when I travel, but I think starting now I’ll also bring the clothespin and the masking tape. 🙂
Hey Isa! Yup, bring those, too! For those just in case moments.:)
Hey, nice list! It’s certainly different from the usual! 😀 Love the personalized resealable bags!
Hi Nina! Aren’t they just wonderful? I’m thinking of making my own one of these days.:)
hey nina and grace! yup, i loved those, too. very creative.:)
thanks for the tip pol! i didnt realize how a masking tape could be useful and necessary for trips 🙂
virns! masking tape has been in my travel kit for as long as i can remember, thanks to our work in production.:)
i’ve never thought of bringing clothespins before and this is such bright idea (especially i wash my own clothes during long term travel). and yeah… those baggies are so adorable! thanks for sharing this 🙂
hi gaye, yup clothespins are so useful! they’re very versatile 🙂
hi pol! can you add lighters or matches. even if you don’t smoke this can be useful too. and garbage bags just in case you have to waterproof the whole backpack. ( the clear bags are more durable than the black ones) 🙂
hey boboy! those are great items! i do bring along matches, but not garbage bags. will definitely keep that in mind. thanks and where’s my painting? haha
i like the idea of the clothespins,didn’t think about that before, and the zip lock designs are so cute 🙂
now you have something new to bring when you travel.:) and yeah, love the ziploc bags, too!
I like your list, especially love the sharpies for tattoos haha