Last August, I wrote about how I missed a talk by Australian professor and Camino guide Marc Grossman, lamenting how frustrated I was that I missed it and how going to this pilgrimage is really a lifelong dream of mine.

So imagine my delight when four months later, on Christmas Eve last year, Marc left a comment on this entry introducing himself and asking me if I’d like to get a copy of his book. I replied to him saying that of course, I would love to.
A couple of days ago, I received a pleasant surprise in my mail: Marc’s Camino de Santiago all -weather walking maps with a short note from Marc himself!
“Hello Pauline,” it said. “I am sending you these plastic maps of the Camino Frances (the oldest route)… Happy New Year!”
Underneath this he scrawled: “I would appreciate your feedback at some stage.”
Wow! If I needed any sign that I can finally take this trip, it was there in my hands… the water-proof, lightweight maps from a Camino de Santiago expert. Looking at the maps is quite intimidating, though. Imagine walking the 400 kilometers of the Camino? If I could hire a used motorcycle or a bicycle, I would. But then again, isn’t walking and meditating the point of the pilgrimage?
I’m sure these are just some of the many questions I need to answer soon. But no matter what happens, I am glad that I am one step closer to walking the Way of St. James.
Hi, I left a comment on your older post re: the Camino. Getting a complimentary copy of the Camino map is surely a sychronistic sign from St. James calling you to fulfill your dream. I wish I had that map when I did the Camino 7 months ago.
Hi Father, yes it is a sign indeed! I really feel that I’m being called. Thanks for the links, Father. Don’t be surprised if you get an email from me one of these days asking for advice.:)